Saturday, March 9, 2019

Prancing Pixies

Margaret wanted to see Hula dancers so we located a youth dance troupe providing a demonstration at a mall venue. Grandparents and parents with daughters and sometimes sons know the yearly dance routine. I remember it as each group having three dances - ballet, jazz, and tap. There were always some solo dances by some of the senior dancers. I remember there being a different costume for each performance and the entire event lasting far longer than I would have preferred. The length was a matter of efficiency - one event in a very nice theater so it took some time. Many of the youngest dancers were stage-struck and just stared at the audience. Everyone received flower bouquets.

The Hawaii event was all hula all of the time. The songs were provided by a woman I assume was the leader of this troupe and all in traditional Hawaiian accompanied by a ukelele or an Ipu (a gourd drum). I must say the dancers were very skilled and their group performances were perfectly coordinated. The singer/narrator offered some cultural information as the event unfolded.

There seem to be lots of people arriving this weekend. It must be the beginning of Spring break.

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