Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Cockroaches in paradise

 One of the negatives experts on social media bring up is that what people post on social media is not an accurate representation of their real lives. The constant bombardment of cool stuff can make others see themselves in a negative way because they see their experiences and themselves as not measuring up. 

Just to explain our situation. We are not wealthy. We are retired and both had good jobs. We also inherited some money that allows us to do things. Travel is a priority over what others might value such as having big homes and fancy cars. We are also spending money that might go to our kids as an inheritance although we do try to involve them in our adventures. We know we are lucky and as long as our health and the stock market hold on we will continue to travel.

About the cockroaches. No, I am not going to include pictures, but critters do get in your housing when you spend time in Hawaii. So far we have removed or exterminated three. There were also a couple of small lizards. I hope this focus on the negative somehow balances the pictures of the most excellent scenery. This is not the worst cockroach experience we have had. When Cindy and I were in grad school, Cindy worked in the Iowa State University residence halls doing training for the individuals who were hired as head residents. Her job came with housing and we had a suite in a residence hall that had previously been used by the house mother. It was nice, but located near the steam tunnels that brought the heat necessary for the very large complex. The warm and humid tunnels shared certain characteristic that I now recognize as similar to the weather in Hawaii. Our suite was on the bottom floor and ever once in a while the exterminators would come after the roaches and the insecticide would drive the bugs out of the tunnels. One of Cindy's favorite stories includes a great image of the roaches crawling down the curtains in our living room. 

Anyway, there are cockroaches in paradise.

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