Monday, January 31, 2022


 Hawaii has some advantages I had not considered when dealing with COVID. There are lots of food trucks and often outside dining. I know there is a fancy name for outside dining, but I can'[t remember it at the moment. Whatever it is, there is lots of it here. We have yet to indulge in many of our staples, but we did visit the Wishing Well for an acai bowl.

Acai (pronounced ah-cy-e or at least they know what I am asking for when I say it this way) is a red berry that grows on one type of palm. You don't see it in this picture because it has been mushed up and makes up the bottom of the bowl. My favorite version is then topped with granola, peanut butter, and bananas. They put coconut and coconut creme on top but Cindy thought I should try it this way rather than ask them not to add the coconut. It is a great breakfast or lunch item. I am pretty sure you can get an inexpensive version of the acai bowl at COSTCO in the plastic cups they use for ice cream and floats, but I may have just imagined this was possible. It would cost less there but probably not include the peanut butter.

There are lots of things to see and do here, but I know I am repeating writing about the Wishing Well from a previous year. This is probably fine because I doubt those who take the time to read this blog bother to look back. Cindy did cut my hair yesterday. I have crossed barbers off the list of mandatory services for a while. While less interesting unless the event would have been recorded on video, that would count as a new Hawaii experience. 

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