Saturday, January 29, 2022

Bee Guy

 I was taking a nap and there were workers outside my window. Someone was cutting the siding in our building with a electric saw and talking with a buddy about how much more he would have to remove. Then I heard a workman talking with the lady from the adjacent condo trying to calm her concerns. He said she would be fine and if they took off they would go up and not down. After a bit, I got up and put on a shirt and went outside.

I had guessed what the issue was and the excitement was over by the time I was able to take some photos. The ladder had been lowered and no one was in their bee guy suits anymore. The two workers were just standing around watching. I tried to make conversation with the guy in charge and told him the story of trying to have squirrels removed from the walls of our Wisconsin lake cabin. I explained the concept was similar - get them to come out and then trap them to take them away. He thought he would rather remove bees.

The bee guy's business must be dealing with bees. If you can read the ad on his rig, the first service on the list is "extraction". I decided bee extraction must be a common need in Kauai because he could afford a pretty nice work vehicle. Who knew there were people who specialized in bee extraction? You do learn some things when you keep your eyes open. It occurred to me few probably guess you could make a living getting squirrels to come out of the walls of people's houses, but that is Wisconsin and I have learned to expect unusual occupations up North. 

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