Tuesday, February 11, 2020


There is a library in Princeville. I have walked past it many times in the years we have come here, but today I went in. Natasha had to print a couple of documents for the language instruction she does and I went in. One thing led to another and I ended up becoming a member of this library for five hears.


This makes a total of four libraries I now have joined. I donate to three of them each year. I paid my dues at the University of North Dakota and I receive library access as a Professor Emeritus. My University library card allows me to access the scholarly journals that I still need for the scholarly writing I do. Like all of these libraries, I seldom visit them in person, but I use the e-resources they make available. 

One of the things that caught my attention with the Princeville library was the advertisisement that library membership gives you access to the NYTimes. I always use my 10 free article views per month and then am left without being able to read full articles from the Time until the next month. Now for $25 I should have access for five years. This alone would be worth price. I almost feel guilty, but I know that a part of my membership will go to compensate the paper. 

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