Saturday, September 24, 2016

National Parks Day

Today is National Parks Day. Unlike other unusual days, National Parks Day has real benefits. You can get into the National Parks at no cost. It is now probably too late for most of you, but maybe some of you on the west coast can get in a few hours of free hiking.

Free access to the parks does me little good. I have one of those golden eagle cards that gets us old folks in for free. I was thinking about why the government would offer this benefit to old people. I am not certain, but it seems possible the goal was to have the elderly walk in the parks and cut down the clutter in the malls. Maybe.

Here is something neat to consider. We are celebrating National Parks Day during the 100th anniversary of the National Parks in a National Park (Acadia in Maine). Wait to see what great feat I accomplish on eat a hot dog day.

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