Friday, March 17, 2023

Can’t find my way home

It has been a weird couple of days. Several ads ago I for some reason tried to recall the name of the town in which we lived and could not. I tried concentrating harder. Still nothing. Then, I tried remembering the town nearest to our lake place. Nothing. Forgetting things does seem to become more common with age, but this was unusual. One would think you could remember where you live even if you haven’t been there in a couple of months. I tried related things. I could remember my street address. I could remember the town next down the road from the up North town I was trying to remember. It has my favorite coffee shop so maybe that makes a difference.

This issue came and went during the day. I tried practicing - Richfield and Danbury. It did not seem to matter. I finally told Cindy. During a call with our oldest daughter, Cindy happened to mention that I could not remember where I lived and this daughter suggested I call my doctor to ask about the situation. This would not have been an action I would have taken on my own. I made the call knowing that the best I could do was talk with my physician’s nurse. She asked about other symptoms - headaches, unsteadiness, numbness, etc. Everything else was fine. She suggested I go to urgent care or the emergency room. This is not easy to do on Kauai, but we did make the drive to the hospital emergency room.

Same story, same questions, blood pressure, heart rate, blood tests, etc.  The doc said I should have an MRI. The MRI is that small tube with loud magnets that rotate around and activate the cells of your brain in a way that can be detected to produce an image of your brain. It is not for you if you struggle with tight places. It is loud so they let you wear earphones and select the music you want. I decided I should listen to Hawaiian. Nothing - my brain at least looks normal. I guess the goal is to identify a stroke and no stroke could be found. I suppose this was the reason for the immediate visit to a doc.

I was released and told to do a telehealth consult with a neurologist. The nearest one is on Oahu, but for two days they have been unable to get his attention to set up an appointment. I am going to assume I am fine. My memory seems to be working again and I know where I live. Emergency room docs are not particularly talkative because they are trying to deal with many patients as quickly as possible. I do forget weird things from time to time. I am guessing not remembering your phone number or something like that is less important. How often do you phone yourself? Not being able to remember where you live does seem a little more significant and you are asked for this bit of information more frequently. I suppose I could do some online research, but that would likely give me too much to think about and make me anxious. Your memory works better when you are relaxed.

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