Friday, March 31, 2023

Na Aina Kai

 We have nearly all of the major botanical gardens over the years. The exception is the "Sculpture Garden" Na Aina Kai (Lands by the sea) and we explored that site recently. I would describe this garden as what you get when a rich retired couple decides to build a retirement complex in Hawaii and doesn't know when to quit. Joyce and Ed Doty are now deceased, but they left Na Aina Kai in a trust for future generations to enjoy. 

I would describe the present site as a combination of an impressive show home, ornamental garden, huge collection (more than 200) of large metal sculptures, and multiple plots of hardwoods that are maintained and harvested for beautiful woods. The Dotys wanted children to enjoy their creation and added several features for the youngest visitors to enjoy. The Dotys purchased their original plot of land in Kilauea in 1979 and gradually transformed it into a sprawling garden that now covers 240 acres. Visitors to Na Ᾱina Kai can expect to see a wide variety of plants and sculptures throughout the garden. The garden also features several different areas for visitors to explore, such as the Wild Forest Garden, which opened in 2015. This area is home to many native Hawaiian plants and animals, including several endangered species.

The following is a sampling of images from the different components of the garden.

The home complex:

The ornamental vegetation:

The sculptures:

The hardwoods:

Exhibits for children to explore:

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Beach Debri

 We visited a garden yesterday and saw this boat. It washed up on a Kauai beach during hurricane Iniki. The boat was from Japan. 

Folks enjoy walking the beach after storms to see what they can find. More aggressive wave action brings in shells and other objects people like to collect.

It is been a year of multiple storms this Spring. Last year was dry, but this year has been very different. No Hurricanes but storms with strong winds and heavy winds. Flooding is common and we have been urged to say in our residence several times because of flooding and the danger of driving into water crossing roads. 

Unlike objects washing in from the ocean, flooding also results in objects being swept into rivers and then out to the ocean. Eventually, much of this material washes up on shore and creates a real mess. The cost and effort required to clean up the miles of beach are immense and this Winter it has been difficult to keep up. Here are a couple of photos I took today on Lydgate beach. This is what you see along thousands of feet of shoreline. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Lawai International Center

 There are few "attractions" on this small island we have not visited, but we have explored a couple of new sites in this past week. 

The Lawai International Center is maintained by a volunteer group that has invested time and effort to save and maintain an acreage over the years. The site was originally developed in the very early 1900s by Japanese immigrants who wanted to recreate a miniature version of a pilgrimage route among temples in Japan. Over the years, the site has been used as a location for worship and healing by different religious groups. It is now maintained as a location respecting all religions with a focus on peace and healing, Those who speak to visitors tout miracles of healing and connections of some type with religious sites around the world. Each of the small shrines is unique and maintained.

We walked the trail. Cindy made it the entire way and I came down early. I was concerned about trying to get safely down the steepest portions. Cindy continued and it turned out there was a second way down so you didn't have to return the same way you went up.

Monday, March 27, 2023

First flowers of Spring

 Kauai does have seasons, but you must pay close attention to spot the signs. It is green here all of the time and some flowers are always in bloom. There are a couple of flowering trees that offer a clue. These trees have a couple of interesting characteristics - the trees lose their leaves each year and flowers appear before the leaves grow again.

This is the plumeria. You may recognize the flower as the blossoms that are used to make leis

Why flowers bloom first

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Photo Walk

 I take a lot of photos here with my iPhone when I just walk around. iPhone photography has become a thing among serious photographers because of the AI of the phone which takes care of many of the settings you would have to control on a fancy camera. In most cases, I can likely get better photos with my iPhone than I could with one of my expensive cameras.

Here is a series of photos I captured while walking the quarter mile along the cliff that fronts our condo complex to the sea. I have tried to find a map image that would identify the direction of these photos as the first image in the series. What varies in the series is the light (sun out or behind clouds), the orientation of the phone, the point along the cliff, and regular or pano setting. As always, you can click on an image to enlarge.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Aflac is still here


Aflac (named for the goose appearing in the insurance commercial) is still here. I first wrote about the Aflac saga in 2020 and saw him/her again last year.

Aflac has quite a story. He/she is a Snow Goose and somehow ended up in Kauai. Aflac hung around the Hawaiian geese - the NeNe - and was finally accepted. We had lots of Snow Geese passing through North Dakota coming down from Canada in the Fall and returning North in the Spring. A local told us there is another Snow Goose on the island's southern end, but they have no intention to bring them together as there are already enough geese (and chickens). 

Aflac was hanging out by the side of the path I take when I walk back from the coffee shop and was able to get this photo, 


 I had an unusual experience last night. I woke up at one to see a light flashing outside the sliding door off our condo bedroom. It happened several times so I got up to investigate. It turned out the flashes were not someone moving about with a flashlight, but lightning.

Lightning is not unusual, but the storms we get here even when intense seldom have little lightning and thunder. The light show over the ocean is unusual. Since I was up, I decided to set up my iPhone tripod and capture some video. 

Monday, March 20, 2023

Sago Palm

 I have been watching this plant for a while now trying to figure out what it was. I thought that the groundskeepers had trimmed it after recent storms and it was some kind of palm starting to regrow. My Apple plant identifier thought otherwise and identified it as a Sago Palm (not a true palm). The built-in AI for these identification tools is pretty impressive. The second image is of what I think the plant will become and a good match for what Apple says it is. 

Friday, March 17, 2023

Can’t find my way home

It has been a weird couple of days. Several ads ago I for some reason tried to recall the name of the town in which we lived and could not. I tried concentrating harder. Still nothing. Then, I tried remembering the town nearest to our lake place. Nothing. Forgetting things does seem to become more common with age, but this was unusual. One would think you could remember where you live even if you haven’t been there in a couple of months. I tried related things. I could remember my street address. I could remember the town next down the road from the up North town I was trying to remember. It has my favorite coffee shop so maybe that makes a difference.

This issue came and went during the day. I tried practicing - Richfield and Danbury. It did not seem to matter. I finally told Cindy. During a call with our oldest daughter, Cindy happened to mention that I could not remember where I lived and this daughter suggested I call my doctor to ask about the situation. This would not have been an action I would have taken on my own. I made the call knowing that the best I could do was talk with my physician’s nurse. She asked about other symptoms - headaches, unsteadiness, numbness, etc. Everything else was fine. She suggested I go to urgent care or the emergency room. This is not easy to do on Kauai, but we did make the drive to the hospital emergency room.

Same story, same questions, blood pressure, heart rate, blood tests, etc.  The doc said I should have an MRI. The MRI is that small tube with loud magnets that rotate around and activate the cells of your brain in a way that can be detected to produce an image of your brain. It is not for you if you struggle with tight places. It is loud so they let you wear earphones and select the music you want. I decided I should listen to Hawaiian. Nothing - my brain at least looks normal. I guess the goal is to identify a stroke and no stroke could be found. I suppose this was the reason for the immediate visit to a doc.

I was released and told to do a telehealth consult with a neurologist. The nearest one is on Oahu, but for two days they have been unable to get his attention to set up an appointment. I am going to assume I am fine. My memory seems to be working again and I know where I live. Emergency room docs are not particularly talkative because they are trying to deal with many patients as quickly as possible. I do forget weird things from time to time. I am guessing not remembering your phone number or something like that is less important. How often do you phone yourself? Not being able to remember where you live does seem a little more significant and you are asked for this bit of information more frequently. I suppose I could do some online research, but that would likely give me too much to think about and make me anxious. Your memory works better when you are relaxed.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Whales from lanai

 Cindy took this video yesterday. The view is from our condo and there is some distance involved, but being able to watch the whales jump is impressive. I wanted to upload it here so I have a place to keep it. 

Here is a longer video Cindy spliced together with more jump.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Princeville library

I was counting and determined that I have access to four different libraries (Iowa State, Webster, WI, Richfield, MN, and Princeville, HI). I like to spend time in libraries, much like I like to read and write in coffee shops. The size of the holdings of libraries (with the exception of the University library I still use) doesn't matter much anymore as I only check out digital content and I can do that from any of these libraries remotely. Libraries tend to belong to cooperatives so no matter their physical size their digital holdings tend to be a part of a larger network. 

Give a few dollars to your local library. They perform so many important services and some unique to those most in need. 

My desk

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge


The Kilauea Point Wildlife Refuge and lighthouse is a location we visit each trip. After COVID you had to make a reservation and they have continued the practice. Our old folks Golden passes are each worth three people through the gate at no cost. 

The attractions include ocean views, bird sanctuary, lighthouse, and today an active surf crashing into the rocks. You don't get close to the nesting area, but the birds often swoop overhead close enough for a photo.

Red-Footed Booby and Giant Frigate