We have nearly all of the major botanical gardens over the years. The exception is the "Sculpture Garden" Na Aina Kai (Lands by the sea) and we explored that site recently. I would describe this garden as what you get when a rich retired couple decides to build a retirement complex in Hawaii and doesn't know when to quit. Joyce and Ed Doty are now deceased, but they left Na Aina Kai in a trust for future generations to enjoy.
I would describe the present site as a combination of an impressive show home, ornamental garden, huge collection (more than 200) of large metal sculptures, and multiple plots of hardwoods that are maintained and harvested for beautiful woods. The Dotys wanted children to enjoy their creation and added several features for the youngest visitors to enjoy. The Dotys purchased their original plot of land in Kilauea in 1979 and gradually transformed it into a sprawling garden that now covers 240 acres. Visitors to Na Ᾱina Kai can expect to see a wide variety of plants and sculptures throughout the garden. The garden also features several different areas for visitors to explore, such as the Wild Forest Garden, which opened in 2015. This area is home to many native Hawaiian plants and animals, including several endangered species.
The following is a sampling of images from the different components of the garden.
The home complex:
The ornamental vegetation:
The sculptures:
The hardwoods:
Exhibits for children to explore: