Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hanalei Wildlife Refuge


We are in Kauai this year in very unusual times. We were here at the end of the Biden term in office and for the beginning of the Trump administration. The early days of the Trump administration have been chaotic with many executive orders and the firing of many Federal employees. Without knowing what lays ahead in the next few days, it is worth preserving some of the experiences.

We stay in Princeville which is on the edge of the Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge. A few days ago I posted an image taken from the overlook with a comment about the concern of those working at the refuge because of cutbacks. Cuts were made.  I posted something about the cuts to Facebook and had some unusual reactions. One claimed wetlands didn't need to be managed.

Just for the record, we took a quick trip into the reserve today by car. No use of the hiking trails to take a few images. These are multi-use facilities that preserve the natural resources but also serve the recreational interests of locals and tourists and in the case of this space offers small fields for locals who want to raise taro. This plant has special meaning to native Hawaiians and has some commercial value. The water suppresses competing weed growth and serves as habitat for birds.

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