Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Tetons 1


We had one day to spend in Grand Teton National Park and the surrounding area, but I will break my photos into two posts. It has been a long time since we have spent time here, but the mountains don't change much. The image above is the one most tourists take. It is the antler arch on the main street of Jackson Hole.

This one is a little different. I read the information on the signs when I can. One sign explained that Ansel Adams had a taken a famous picture of the oxbow in the Snake River at this approximate spot and many photographers since had tried to produce the same image,  I was not getting phone reception on site, but I did take my own image. You can compare what I saw with Ansel's eye using the link I provided above. I could have converted to black and white, but the colors look great to me. Ansel has a fancy wooden box camera and tripod. I just used my iPhone. I admit he found an instant with better light.

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