Thursday, March 13, 2025

Kokee State Park

One location we always try to view with visitors in the overlook at Kokee State Park. Because the view is often obscured by clouds, having a clear view is even more rewarding. Cindy's long time friend was visiting and we had a great view on her final day in Kauaii.

On the way, we stopped to view the falls in Waimea canyon. The wind was very strong and you can see the impact the wind had on the falls.

Monday, March 10, 2025


If you think there is not much to look at, you are looking in the wrong direction. The food stand is called Nourish.

Friday, March 7, 2025


Cindy and friend are off exploring the island, so I decided to visit a different coffee shop. Rather than walk the 2 miles back after being dropped off in Princeville, I walked to the coffee shop a 1/2 mile away in the 1 Hotel at Hanalei Bay. I would typecast this place as where wealthy parents would gift newlyweds a two-week vacation after everyone else has gone home from a destination wedding. I put on a shirt with a collar in the hopes they would not throw me out, so I managed to drink a mediocre $9 latte and use their wifi for two hours.

I happen to be reading Caste and the combination of that book and my $9 mediocre latte put me in the mood to think about wealth. Many may assume Cindy and my lifestyle is extravagant. We are able to afford some great experiences, but there are many levels of magnitude beyond our opportunities. You get a great sense of wealth on Kauai. Zuckerberg has an estate near here and there are locations where they have to build housing for teachers so they can afford to teach in the local schools. There are also folks we see sleeping on a local soccer field each day because that is what they have. Zuckerberg wanted to dredge a path through the coral reef so boats could land near his estate, but local officials, no matter the gifts to local causes, would not allow this to happen. 

I don't have the attitude that such is life. Income inequalities are a serious problem in our country and things are getting worse rather than better. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Groundskeepr's Craft


The vegetation here is dense and grows quickly. Being a groundskeeper seems a common profession and several different individuals work within this complex constantly. One thing I have noticed about their work is how aggressively they trim things and the reaction of the plants indicates this is what needs to be done. These two trees or bushes were just cut back and I can no longer identify them. The plant identification app I use is also perplexed. 

I did figure out what the trees were by using an app to identify a different tree. It is a Sago Palm.